Typical Scene on the Raven Fork, Western North Carolina.
2. The rapids on the Raven Fork pack enough excitment to get even the top paddlers heart rate going.
3. No matter what there is usaully a story to tell by the time you get to the bottom.
David Cohen Styling Big Boy.
Photo Baker Davenport.
4. If Anaconda doesent warm you up "I cant help you."
5. You will probably either end up running Big Boy yourself or watching someone run it, which is probably one of the more serious drops in the south east.
Looking Down the gorge at Baker Davenport setting safety at Big Boy.
6. You will probably end up running into some friends that you havent seen a while.
Myself in the boogie after Razorback.
7. Getting punched out at Mike Tysons is something every kayaker should experience.
Myself at Wet Willie.
8. Caveman boof has to be one of the best boofs in the world.
Myself at Mike Tysons.
9. Drinking a bud light with Emanual at the take out garuntees some good laughs.
Lane Rankin at Wet Willie.
10. The Raven Fork holds the style of rapids and the incredible scenery that makes it worth living in western North Carolina.
David Cohen entering Jedi Mind Training.